I sent an email to a group of so called trainers. I forgot where certain info gets input in ANOTHER system that they are supposedly familiar with. Do you think ANYONE responded? Even a response to say "i don't know"? I need to get this piece of my project DONE. I sent another email this morning to non-trainers, more likely to respond I hope. This is a short post. I needed to post to get my frustration out but I need to return to spending more hours looking for something that at least someone should know but is keeping a secret - very stupid way to start this morning.
Update here - are there any signs of intelligence in the corporate world? How come others can bullshit and lie and make my life hell but I don't do the same. My day is now totally screwed up because I have to go back and fix what was already approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks a lot. Yes folks, I do realize I am fortunate to have a job in these tough economic times but the frustration level becomes intolerable.
Is there any possibility that we can deal with true, factual info? Not make up what actually exists and crucify the person who speaks the truth - whoa, sounding kinda religious here. I think highly of myself but nowhere near that level. I'll take all the help I can get to keep me from throwing my work laptop through a window.
As Buzz Lightyear would say - I've found intelligent life. Sad that its only a handful but, don't know what I'd do without them.